Building a Collision Engine Part 1: 2D GJK Collision Detection
I’ve previously written about using the Minkowski Difference to detect collisions of 2D AABBs, but I now want to expand that into creating a fully fleshed out and flexible collision engine for my own purposes (in Haxe of course!). I recommend you read up on the Minkowski difference and the overall technique of using to calculate the intersection of shapes before diving into things here as hopefully things will make much more sense then. Full credit also goes to William Bittle who created dyn4j (which is a collision detection and physics engine written in Java) for his blog posts on GJK and EPA, which this work is heavily based on. Before I get any further, let me define what I want this collision engine to do:
- Detect whether a collision occurred or not
- Calculate a penetration vector if a collision did occur
- Operate on any pair of convex objects in both 2D and 3D
The engine will perform the collision detection and penetration calculation steps completely separately, and at your discretion, meaning for every pair of objects you want to determine the collision of, you will have to call something to the effect of:
var shapeA:Array<Vec2> = [
new Vec2(-18, -18), new Vec2(-10, -18),
new Vec2(-10, -13), new Vec2(-18, -13)
var shapeB:Array<Vec2> = [
new Vec2(-14, -14), new Vec2(-5, -16), new Vec2(-12, -8)
var colliding:Bool = checkCollision2D(shapeA, shapeB);
trace('Colliding: ${colliding}');
var collision:Collision = calculateCollision2D(shapeA, shapeB);
trace('Colliding: ${collision.colliding}');
trace('Collision normal: ${collision.normal}');
trace('Collision point: ${collision.point}');
This engine will not be responsible for:
- Performing broad-phase collision culling (this is likely to be more engine / environment dependent, though I may one day add it)
- Applying any physics simulation or collision response (again, this is engine / environment dependent)
Since I want this to be as flexible as possible (while being limited to convex shapes), I’ll be developing the collision engine using GJK (Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi) for collision detection and EPA for intersection calculation.
With that out of the way, let’s get started with the simplest bit first: 2D collision detection using GJK. The GJK algorithm is a way of determining if two shapes are intersecting (meaning their Minkowski difference overlaps with the origin), without having to calculate the entire Minkowski difference like I did in my previous posts. When you’re just colliding AABBs with each other, the Minkowski difference is also an AABB and is very simple and quick to calculate, so you don’t need this “shortcut”, and can just calculate the entire thing and be on your way. When shapes start to rotate or have “weird” geometries however, this becomes less tenuous.
GJK works by trying to find a triangle (or tetrahedron in 3D) which fits inside of the Minkowski difference and encapsulates the origin. If the triangle (or tetrahedron) contains the origin, and it also fits inside of the Minkowski difference, then the Minkowski difference must also contain the origin!
The basis of finding a triangle inside of the Minkowski difference uses two concepts:
- Support functions
- Simplexes
Support Functions
A support function for a convex shape is just a function that returns a point on the boundary of a shape that is the furthest in a given arbitrary direction. If multiple points are at the same distance, any of the points are acceptable. If you can fully define a support function for a shape, then you can use it to collide with things.
Note that due to the properties of Minkowski differences and support functions, the support function of a Minkowski difference of two shapes is equal to the difference of the support functions of two shapes. This is what allows us to not calculate an entire Minkowski difference, but rather just the difference in support functions for the two shapes! Basically, given the support functions we can easily call:
public function getSupport(direction:Vec2):Vec2 {
return - * direction);
Here are some support functions for two common shapes:
class Circle implements Shape2D {
public var centre:Vec2;
public var radius:Float;
public function new(centre:Vec2, radius:Float) {
this.centre = centre;
this.radius = radius;
public function support(direction:Vec2):Vec2 {
return centre + radius * direction.normalized();
class Polygon implements Shape2D {
public var vertices:Array<Vec2>;
public function new(vertices:Array<Vec2>) {
this.vertices = vertices;
public function support(direction:Vec2):Vec2 {
var furthestDistance:Float = Math.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
var furthestVertex:Vec2 = null;
for(v in vertices) {
var distance:Float =, direction);
if(distance > furthestDistance) {
furthestDistance = distance;
furthestVertex = v;
return furthestVertex;
A simplex is a somewhat special shape in the dimension we’re working in. For a given dimension , the simplex in that dimension is a shape with vertices. Or, in the real world: In 2D, a simplex is a triangle and in 3D, a simplex is a tetrahedron. The simplex represents the most basic solid shape that can exist in a dimension, which is helpful for calculating whether it covers the origin or not.
The GJK Algorithm
The GJK algorithm starts by calculating a triangle that fits within the Minkowski difference. If that first triangle contains the origin, then congrats! You’ve determined that the shapes are intersecting! Otherwise, see if you can make a new triangle which does contain the origin. Keep going until you’ve either created a triangle which contains the origin or are confident that there is not way you can create a triangle which contains the origin. This process is called “evolving the simplex”, because you keep upgrading the simplex until you get what you want or find if its not possible.

Calculating the First Simplex / Triangle
In order to have a triangle, you must have 3 points / vertices. Note that since we’re using support functions, a good pick for the first vertex is the support in the direction of separation of the two shapes (though we could pick any arbitrary direction, picking this one tends to make the simplex converge on a result much faster).
public function evolveSimplex() {
switch(vertices.length) {
case 0: {
direction = shapeB.centre() - shapeA.centre();
vertices.push( - * direction));
case 1: {
// TODO: add the second vertex
case 2: {
// TODO: add the third vertex
case 3: {
// TODO: calculate if the simplex contains the origin
// if it does, we're done!
// if it doesn't, update the simplex!
case _: throw 'Can\'t have simplex with ${vertices.length} verts!';
The second vertex can be chosen as the support in the opposite direction of what we chose in the first place (so as to maximize the size of our simplex).
public function evolveSimplex():Void {
switch(vertices.length) {
case 0: {
direction = shapeB.centre() - shapeA.centre();
vertices.push( - * direction));
case 1: {
// flip the direction
direction *= -1;
vertices.push( - * direction));
case 2: {
// TODO: add the third vertex
case 3: {
// TODO: calculate if the simplex contains the origin
// if it does, we're done!
// if it doesn't, update the simplex!
case _: throw 'Can\'t have simplex with ${vertices.length} verts!';
The third vertex should be chosen as the support in the direction perpendicular to the line formed by the first two vertices, in the direction of the origin, again maximizing the size of the simplex so that we can either complete or fail as early as possible.
public function evolveSimplex():Void {
switch(vertices.length) {
case 0: {
direction = shapeB.centre() - shapeA.centre();
vertices.push( - * direction));
case 1: {
// flip the direction
direction *= -1;
vertices.push( - * direction));
case 2: {
var b:Vec2 = vertices[1];
var c:Vec2 = vertices[0];
// line cb is the line formed by the first two vertices
var cb:Vec2 = b - c;
// line c0 is the line from the first vertex to the origin
var c0:Vec2 = c * -1;
// use the triple-cross-product to calculate a direction perpendicular to line cb
// in the direction of the origin
direction = tripleProduct(cb, c0, cb);
vertices.push( - * direction));
case 3: {
// TODO: calculate if the simplex contains the origin
// if it does, we're done!
// if it doesn't, update the simplex!
case _: throw 'Can\'t have simplex with ${vertices.length} verts!';
Determining if the Simplex Contains the Origin
To determine whether our simplex triangle contains the origin or not, we actually test whether the origin is on the “inside” or “outside” of each line segment of the triangle. We have three line segments composing the triangle, so three tests have to be done. If the origin is on the “outside” of any line segment, then we know the triangle doesn’t include the origin; on the other hand if all three tests say the origin is on the inside, we know we contain the origin.
We can actually streamline this process a little bit however, and only do two tests instead of the full three. Since we chose the third vertex of the simplex to be in the direction of the origin, we know that origin is definitely on the inside of the first line segment (formed by our first and second simplex vertices). All that’s left to do is test the lines and .
To check if a point is “inside” or “outside” the line segment, we can use the triple cross product to generate a perpendicular line which points away from the vertex of the triangle which isn’t being used by this line segment. Then we test if that perpendicular line is in the same direction as the line from the new vertex to the origin using the dot product. Recall that if the dot product of two vectors is then we know that they are in the same direction, and in opposite directions if the dot product is .
case 3: {
// calculate if the simplex contains the origin
var a:Vec2 = vertices[2];
var b:Vec2 = vertices[1];
var c:Vec2 = vertices[0];
var a0:Vec2 = a * -1; // v2 to the origin
var ab:Vec2 = b - a; // v2 to v1
var ac:Vec2 = c - a; // v2 to v0
var abPerp:Vec2 = tripleProduct(ac, ab, ab);
var acPerp:Vec2 = tripleProduct(ab, ac, ac);
if( > 0) {
// the origin is outside line ab
// TODO: evolve the simplex
else if( > 0) {
// the origin is outside line ac
// TODO: evolve the simplex
else {
// the origin is inside both ab and ac,
// so it must be inside the triangle!
containsOrigin = true;
If we found that we did indeed contain the origin, we’re done! Otherwise, we have to evolve the simplex by removing one of the simplex vertices and adding a new one somewhere else.
Evolving the Simplex
If we found that the origin lies on the outside of one of the line segments, we know that the third vertex not participating in the line segment is useless, so we should remove it. We can add the next support in the “outside” perpendicular direction we calculated earlier to continue our search.
case 3: {
// calculate if the simplex contains the origin
var a:Vec2 = vertices[2];
var b:Vec2 = vertices[1];
var c:Vec2 = vertices[0];
var a0:Vec2 = a * -1; // v2 to the origin
var ab:Vec2 = b - a; // v2 to v1
var ac:Vec2 = c - a; // v2 to v0
var abPerp:Vec2 = tripleProduct(ac, ab, ab);
var acPerp:Vec2 = tripleProduct(ab, ac, ac);
if( > 0) {
// the origin is outside line ab
// get rid of c and add a new support in the direction of abPerp
direction = abPerp;
vertices.push( - * direction));
else if( > 0) {
// the origin is outside line ac
// get rid of b and add a new support in the direction of acPerp
direction = acPerp;
vertices.push( - * direction));
else {
// the origin is inside both ab and ac,
// so it must be inside the triangle!
containsOrigin = true;
Once we’ve reformed the simplex this way, it’s time to check it again. If our simplex covers the origin, great—we’re done! Otherwise, evolve the simplex again and try again. And again. And again. And… wait. How do we exit if we aren’t colliding, meaning our simplex will never contain the origin?
Determining if the Shapes Aren’t Colliding
From geometry we know that if two shapes aren’t colliding, the Minkowski difference will not contain the origin. Up until this point, we’ve assumed that the shape we’re testing does contain the origin—we need to change that. Thankfully, this is a relatively easy change.
Whenever we add a new vertex to the simplex, we can test whether the vertex went past the origin or not. If it did, we’re ok and can continue processing. If it didn’t, we know we won’t be intersecting at all, and can exit early. How do we know this? Because we’re using support functions. When we add a vertex in a given direction using the support functions, we know that that vertex is the vertex which lies the furthest in our direction. If that vertex doesn’t go past the origin, we will never get a simplex which goes past the origin, meaning it will never contain it.
We can calculate whether the new vertex passes the origin by determining if direction
and the line a0
point in the same direction, meaning their dot product is .
To add this into our code, I’m going to modify things a little bit. Instead of blindly having a function evolveSimplex
which never returns anything useful outside of itself, I will make it return some useful information—either we can’t possibly intersect, we need to keep evolving the simplex, or we found an intersection. We can also reduce a bit of the repetition by partitioning the new vertex addition into its own function which does the check for us.
enum EvolveResult {
// ...
private function addSupport(direction:Vec2):Bool {
var newVertex:Vec2 = - * direction);
return, newVertex) >= 0;
public function evolveSimplex():EvolveResult {
switch(vertices.length) {
case 0: {
direction = shapeB.centre() - shapeA.centre();
case 1: {
// flip the direction
direction *= -1;
case 2: {
var b:Vec2 = vertices[1];
var c:Vec2 = vertices[0];
// line cb is the line formed by the first two vertices
var cb:Vec2 = b - c;
// line c0 is the line from the first vertex to the origin
var c0:Vec2 = c * -1;
// use the triple-cross-product to calculate a direction perpendicular to line cb
// in the direction of the origin
direction = tripleProduct(cb, c0, cb);
case 3: {
// calculate if the simplex contains the origin
var a:Vec2 = vertices[2];
var b:Vec2 = vertices[1];
var c:Vec2 = vertices[0];
var a0:Vec2 = a * -1; // v2 to the origin
var ab:Vec2 = b - a; // v2 to v1
var ac:Vec2 = c - a; // v2 to v0
var abPerp:Vec2 = tripleProduct(ac, ab, ab);
var acPerp:Vec2 = tripleProduct(ab, ac, ac);
if( > 0) {
// the origin is outside line ab
// get rid of c and add a new support in the direction of abPerp
direction = abPerp;
else if( > 0) {
// the origin is outside line ac
// get rid of b and add a new support in the direction of acPerp
direction = acPerp;
else {
// the origin is inside both ab and ac,
// so it must be inside the triangle!
return EvolveResult.FoundIntersection;
case _: throw 'Can\'t have simplex with ${vertices.length} verts!';
return addSupport(direction) ? EvolveResult.StillEvolving : EvolveResult.NoIntersection;
Putting it All Together
What we have so far is basically one function for checking the simplex, which needs to be called a variable number of times and can return various things. What we want is a simple function to check if two shapes are colliding. We can do that with a simple utility function, which is the only the thing the end user really needs to interact with. Here’s the whole kit and kaboodle so you can see how it all fits together:
import collision.twod.GJK2D;
import collision.twod.Circle2D;
import collision.twod.Polygon2D;
class Main {
public static function main() {
var a:Circle = new Circle2D(new Vec2(0, 0), 0.5);
var b:Polygon2D = new Polygon2D([
new Vec2(0.25, 0.25), new Vec2(5, 5)
var c:Circle = new Circle2D(new Vec2(5, 10), 1);
var gjk:GJK2D = new GJK2D();
trace(gjk.test(a, b)); // true
trace(jgk.test(a, c)); // false
package collision.twod;
import glm.Vec2;
interface Shape2D {
public function centre():Vec2;
public function support(direction:Vec2):Vec2;
package collision.twod;
using glm.Vec2;
import glm.Vec3;
import collision.twod.Shape2D;
enum EvolveResult {
class GJK2D {
private var vertices:Array<Vec2>;
private var direction:Vec2;
private var shapeA:Shape2D;
private var shapeB:Shape2D;
public function new() {}
private function addSupport(direction:Vec2):Bool {
var newVertex:Vec2 = - * direction);
return, newVertex) > 0;
function tripleProduct(a:Vec2, b:Vec2, c:Vec2):Vec2 {
var A:Vec3 = new Vec3(a.x, a.y, 0);
var B:Vec3 = new Vec3(b.x, b.y, 0);
var C:Vec3 = new Vec3(c.x, c.y, 0);
var first:Vec3 = Vec3.cross(A, B, new Vec3());
var second:Vec3 = Vec3.cross(first, C, new Vec3());
return new Vec2(second.x, second.y);
private function evolveSimplex():EvolveResult {
switch(vertices.length) {
case 0: {
direction = shapeB.centre() - shapeA.centre();
case 1: {
// flip the direction
direction *= -1;
case 2: {
var b:Vec2 = vertices[1];
var c:Vec2 = vertices[0];
// line cb is the line formed by the first two vertices
var cb:Vec2 = b - c;
// line c0 is the line from the first vertex to the origin
var c0:Vec2 = c * -1;
// use the triple-cross-product to calculate a direction perpendicular
// to line cb in the direction of the origin
direction = tripleProduct(cb, c0, cb);
case 3: {
// calculate if the simplex contains the origin
var a:Vec2 = vertices[2];
var b:Vec2 = vertices[1];
var c:Vec2 = vertices[0];
var a0:Vec2 = a * -1; // v2 to the origin
var ab:Vec2 = b - a; // v2 to v1
var ac:Vec2 = c - a; // v2 to v0
var abPerp:Vec2 = tripleProduct(ac, ab, ab);
var acPerp:Vec2 = tripleProduct(ab, ac, ac);
if( > 0) {
// the origin is outside line ab
// get rid of c and add a new support in the direction of abPerp
direction = abPerp;
else if( > 0) {
// the origin is outside line ac
// get rid of b and add a new support in the direction of acPerp
direction = acPerp;
else {
// the origin is inside both ab and ac,
// so it must be inside the triangle!
return EvolveResult.FoundIntersection;
case _: throw 'Can\'t have simplex with ${vertices.length} verts!';
return addSupport(direction)
? EvolveResult.StillEvolving
: EvolveResult.NoIntersection;
public function test(shapeA:Shape2D, shapeB:Shape2D):Bool {
// reset everything
this.vertices = new Array<Vec2>();
this.shapeA = shapeA;
this.shapeB = shapeB;
// do the actual test
var result:EvolveResult = EvolveResult.StillEvolving;
while(result == EvolveResult.StillEvolving) {
result = evolveSimplex();
return result == EvolveResult.FoundIntersection;
package collision.twod;
import glm.Vec2;
import collision.twod.Shape2D;
class Circle2D implements Shape2D {
public var centre:Vec2;
public var radius:Float;
public function new(centre:Vec2, radius:Float) {
this.centre = centre;
this.radius = radius;
public function support(direction:Vec2):Vec2 {
return centre + radius * direction.normalized();
package collision.twod;
import glm.Vec2;
import collision.twod.Shape2D;
class Polygon2D implements Shape2D {
public var vertices:Array<Vec2>;
public function new(vertices:Array<Vec2>) {
this.vertices = vertices;
public function support(direction:Vec2):Vec2 {
if(this.vertices == null || this.vertices.length < 1)
throw 'Can\'t have a polygon with 0 vertices!';
var furthestDistance:Float = Math.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
var furthestVertex:Vec2 = null;
for(v in vertices) {
var distance:Float =, direction);
if(distance > furthestDistance) {
furthestDistance = distance;
furthestVertex = v;
return furthestVertex;
In my next post, I will talk about how we can extend this to calculate the penetration vector of two intersecting shapes which is crucial in collision resolution.
I’ve started rolling this code into it’s own library, tentatively called Headbutt, which you can follow along with if you’re interested on Github: